ABOUT Xaerus Performance (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

              Xaerus Performance (Thailand) Co.,Ltd is the sole distributor of XAERUS products from Xaerus Performance Fluids Int'l. ,Midland, USA. The company is founded with resources having vast knowledge in the specialty refrigeration and gas compression, as well as specialty industrial lubrication requirements. We are committed and ready to provide top quality products and differentiated technical application services to our customers' and the industry's needs.

            Xaerus Performance (Thailand) Co., Ltd.'s products and services are backed by more than 3 decades of research and developments, and field application experience in the commercial chiller, industrial refrigeration, hydrocarbon gas compression lubrication solution. We also constantly keep up with the application developments in the industry, such as use of environmental friendly natural refrigerants, and develop new generate compressor lubrication products to provide the application solution required by the industry.


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